Abbey Equipment Solutions - Raytec Vision

Dryceis an optical sorting machine with high resolution cameras that examine the product using the “free fall double side view” system which analyses 100% of the surface of each product.  The system is specially designed to sort Dried and Frozen food products. 

Dryce can dispose of : 

  • Colour defects 
  • Rotten produce 
  • Foreign bodies  

Dryce is available in two versions: 


  • 600 mm vision width; 
  • 96 ejection valves. 


  • 1200 mm vision width; 
  • 192 ejection valves. 

Both models can be equipped with 3Way ejection system and can have two reject systems on board to differentiate unusable produce from second quality. 

 is an optical sorting machine with the highest resolution cameras to examine the product on the conveyor belt. The system is used to check whole or cut agro-food products: Fruit and Vegetables. 

Discovery can dispose of colour defects, marked produce and foreign bodies also the samecolour as the good product.  Discovery is equipped with an air reject system with 288 electrically controlled ejection valves. It can have a single ejection system, or in 3Way mode, can have two reject systems that differentiate unusable produce from defects considered second choice.